Hey everyone! I'm now posting from the new site, Snarlbear.com! The Hiveworks tech Erin did an awesome job coding and helping me get this together, and she has a webcomic here. If you wanna check out Hiveworks, there's a button next to the comic page where you can check out their new site design and some really cool comics. I'm really excited to be working with them so far!
I won't be posting Snarlbear anymore at the old site or on Tapastic, so please update your bookmarks. I will, however, be updating twice a week here, on Tuesdays and Thursdays (updating a little early today to celebrate~!). I'll also be finally getting my cast page and links page together at some point in the next week or so. So much excitement~
Also: If you're looking for an RSS feed, click the eyeball icon near the navigation arrows
Thanks for reading, everyone! Have a nice day